What is HUE&ME?
HUE&ME is a modern hair system for home use with professional results. With advanced micro pigment made from nourishing ingredients that effectively delivers multi-dimensional color enhanced by the hue. Hue&Me believes that our customer deserves a precise luxurious shade as if it was colored in a salon.
The target audience is women aged 20-35 years old who pay more attention to beauty and spend money on the quality product. They have a creative mind and always find different places to experiment with new things. An average individual income of $50,000 or more a year.

Sketches that lead to product packaging solution
The shape of the individual packaging determines to capture the curve of the water drop. The challenge is to include four components: color cream, developer cream, mixing cup, and a hairbrush into one packaging. Hair color swatch can be indicated by the color of the color-cream bottle through the window of the packaging, and the highlight on the box helps consumers navigate and identify the exact shades they are looking for.

Promotional card for product launch
This three-dimensional mailer jumps to life once the mailer is opened creating a unique and fun experience for the recipient.

Customize your HUE&ME an innovative approach for at-home hair color product
HUE&ME Believes that our customers are unique where differentiation for choice has become very important. We create an application that allowed customers to add their name on the package and share it on the social media.